Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Flower Gardening: Have Your Flower Garden Bursting With Color All Year Round

Flower gardening need not be restricted to just summertime. Planning carefully and planting ahead of time, will have the garden filled with an array of flowers for all of the year round.

Let's plan the seasons, then for spring flowers, the best thing would be to plant bulbs. Any nursery will supply them, and if you're more disposed towards the exotic, and rare flower bulbs, there's a good chance that they will need to be ordered specially.

The most popular amongst bulb lovers are early springtime Crocuses, and cheerful Snowdrops. Tulips though, have shown to be the most famous of bulbs in demand by flower gardeners, and are available in a variety of colors, including a black-colored one, which is really more of a dark maroon.

Remember that all spring flowering bulbs should be planted in mid autumn, as this is the best time for them. Come any closer to winter and you're in danger of losing your whole crop of bulbs completely.

Moving through to summer, perennials are the firm favorite for flower gardening as they bare blooms almost continuously throughout the summer season, and on occasion longer. With a little luck and care, the perennials will last through to next year, and the following year. It's also found that as the years and the seasons roll on, your perennials will become fuller, and generally will become more abundant than the first year you planted them.

As autumn approaches most flower gardens are left with only few small hardy plants to choose from. For those more dedicated to flower gardening, that need not be the case. Hardy, drought resistant plants like Asters number among the many types of fall flowers available, and will look stunning in late summer/early fall, Generally, autumn plants will grow to a good 3-4 feet in height, and have vivid colors, as well as the more genteel pastel colors to choose from. Ornamental grasses are another favorite and will nicely complement your fall flowers.

So, take heart, take plenty of notes, plan, and buy to your heart's content. By the end of it all you truly will have a flower for every season, and your flower gardening efforts will be rewarded most bountifully

Ron is the webmaster and owner of and would like to share his passion and ideas for creating a fantastic garden. Flower Gardening is not restricted to certain times of the year have flowers bursting with color all year round.

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