Monday, June 8, 2009

End the Lies

How far will he lies spread? On national news this morning there was a story about bacteria in the workplace. It was about how dangerous it is to interact with other people. The news story went so far as to say that it is dangerous to shake hands with other people, or use equipment that they may touch, or drink from the same water cooler.

When will this insanity end?

First I want you to notice the source of the study that named all the places with the most bacteria. It was a researcher paid by Clorox. Also understand that the news item was basically a disguised commercial for Clorox antibacterial wipes. Also notice that he would not say that the bacteria on these items caused disease. They said they could cause disease.

There is an important point there. The bacterial cause of disease has never been proven. It is only a THEORY. It is not a fact. The fact is that they have only been able to prove the opposite. Bacteria can complicate disease, but they don't cause disease. If bacteria get into a cut they can complicate the healing process and if they get into the blood they can cause problems. However touching bacteria will not cause disease.

Bacteria are our symbiotic partners in life. If you could destroy every bacteria there is on our planet, in an effort to stop disease, we would all die. We need bacteria on our bodies and in our digestive system. They aid in digestion. In our small intestines they create vitamin B12. They break down dead cell tissues.

Satan, the god of this world, would have us live in fear of what God has created for our good. Billions are spent eadch year, on the war on bacteria. Cleanliness is good to a point. However it has been proven that too much cleanliness is hazardous to our health. The chemicals used to fight bacteria are deadly to humans.

If you are made overly sensitive by eating a diet too high in protein these chemicals can contribute to cancer. This fact is overlooked because of the remote chance that bacteria might cause you to get sick, and the perceived risk of bacteria causing disease.

Don't be blinded to the truth. End the power of Satan to empty your wallet, and destroy your health, in a fight to eliminate bacteria. It has been proven that the common cold is a body instituted cleansing process. When we have too much toxic waste in our bodies, any stress can trigger the body's efforts to step up elimination of the toxins. The body is always in control of the symptoms associated with the common cold. When you fight the common cold you are fighting your own body, not bacteria.

Yes bacteria multiply in these situations. Bacteria are scavengers. They eat dead cell debris. Like earthworms are good for plants, bacteria are good for us. For instance take a look at the streptococcus bacteria. They are always present in our bodies. If our bodies start dumping toxins, through our mucus membranes, bacteria multiply. The food has to come first. If there is no food supply they do not multiply.

Experiments have been done in an attempt to cause the common cold or the flu or any other disease by deliberately introducing the bacteria once thought to cause the cold to healthy people.

Other studies have shown that the bacteria thought to cause the common cold are not always present during the cold. In fact a high percentage of people with a cold have none of the suspect bacteria. Even realitively large quantities of the bacteria did not cause the cold.

The perpetuation of this lie soothes the beast within. Human nature is to blame anything rather than accept responsibility for our own actions. We eat things that are outside of our design because someone says we should, or because we like it, or we just want to "have it your way". We cause our own health problems through ignorance, or by choice, and wonder why? It is so easy to blame the lowly bacteria.

We seek out those who will say anything for a buck, who will back up our choice to blame something outside of ourselves. We then get what we asked for, an innocent suspect, to use as a scapegoat.

It is much like sin. We have a tendency to blame anyone but ourselves when we do wrong. On the news this morning a man who murdered a young girl, blamed the drugs he took, and his emotional state, for his actions. He was begging for his life.

To end the Lies, we must take responsibility for what we do. Seek the truth about health, and the truth about health, will set you free from disease, and pain.

My ministry is about telling people the truth about health through both fiction books and non-fiction articles. We were designed to live in health. It is only when we live outside our design that we suffer with disease. God didn't make a mistake when He created us. God does not make junk. We are our own worst enemies. Our seemingly innocent choices kill more people every day, than all the terrorists in the world. But who is on the news?

My ministry is about telling people the truth about health through both fiction books and non-fiction articles. We were designed to live in health. It is only when we live outside our design that we suffer with disease. God didn't make a mistake when He created us. God does not make junk. We are our own worst enemies. Our seemingly innocent choices kill more people every day, than all the terrorists in the world. But who is on the news? There is a contact link at my website.

I am constantly writing. Most of my articles can be accessed at my content site on Arthritis from the above link.

Six Months to Live is my first published work. If you were told that you had cancer and even if you get treatments for it you would not live more than 6 months, what would you do? The character is the book take a two week vacation that becomes the greatest adventure of their lives.

How To Win Friends

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